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What is the value of my jewelry?

When you sell your diamond, you are probably comparing offers from several different places. The offers you receive seem to be lower than the value you paid for your item or that you have in mind and you are quite surprised.

Most companies will give you evaluation value while waiting to see and examine the stone. After examining the jewel or stone they will be able to adjust their offer to a more precise value, but often remaining lower than the initial value in store.

So, why would someone offer you less for your diamond than the valuation value? It does not seem to make much sense.


Most companies will give you an "expertise value". The valuation value can be a misleading number because it is not the amount you will receive when selling your diamond.

The valuation value of a diamond is based on what the company believes the retail price of the item would be in the showroom of a jewelry store. As in any business, diamond buyers cannot buy inventory at retail prices. Instead, they will offer you a discount to the appraisal value that they believe to be right for you and for them.

It is important to understand that the value of a diamond is much lower than the price bought in stores. The store bills the diamonds but also its charges, margin, brand, taxes and other fees. Depending on the brand, the margin can be really high and the value of the diamond very low. 


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